Thursday, January 2, 2014

Shooting Mia Maids in the Bowling Valley

Lydia (at bedtime): I wanna give Papa (grandpa) his night night hug.
Adam: you can't Papa's not here.
Lydia: Where is Papa...What is Papa's adventure?
Adam: Papa is out shooting (trap shooting) with Auntie Heather and Uncle Thomas.
Lydia: I wanna go shooting with Papa!
Adam: You're not old enough to go shooting.
Lydia: I'm gonna be a Sunbeam...then I'll be old enough to go shooting with Papa and Auntie Heather.
Adam: No, you have to be a Mia Maid to be old enough to go shooting.
Lydia: Grandpa's a Pia Maid.
Adam: Nope, he's not.
Lydia: Grandma's a Pia Maid.
Adam: Nope she's not either.
Lydia: You're a Pia Maid.
Adam: Nope, I'm not.
Lydia: When I'm a Pia Maid, I'll be able to go to the bowling valley and look at the tunnel the ball comes out of and there will be the finger pinchy thingy and not touch it and the rolly thing that the balls roll down at the bowling valley.
Adam: (groggilly): I think you're getting tired.